The Dragonfly That Landed on My Nose

While at Beardfest in the Pine Barrens of NJ, I had a close encounter with a beautiful dragonfly. It was the last day of the festival when everyone was cleaning up their tents. I was feeling exhausted from a long weekend, and also having gone through a lot recently, so I decided to take a break down by the water. I laid down on a small floating dock. While relaxing there, a dragonfly decided to come land on my nose. She stayed there for around ten minutes basking in the sunshine. She was black with golden stripes. I barely moved, because I was in awe of the insect, her wings gently fluttering in the wind and eyes moving about

…I heard her soulfully whisper, “Thank you for honoring my home”. A tear ran down my cheek as she flew over and landed next to me for another moment before returning to her swamp , her home. I felt so inspired by this moment, and the visitor.

They say dragonflies communicate the messages between the Earth and the Spiritual Realms. The wisdom that came through afterwards was that its sometimes more important to be quiet and still than to be the one doing much work. I was almost as still as the lily pads on the water that day for her to come land on me for that long. Also, remember to never underestimate the power of taking a break from the business of society to rest in nature. There is a gentleness there unfound in other worlds. I felt a real peacefulness overtake me while next to the water that day. It was as though all the challenges of the modern day world drifted away, and all that was left was that dragonflies words. - “Thank you for honoring my home”. And I truly did honor her home by taking the time away from everyone to lay down and remember my place in the natural order of things… Gratitude for the small worlds hidden all around us.

Just as I was about to leave to return with my story, my dear friend Ken decided to join me on the dock. We laid there together in conversation, tears pouring down our cheeks. - In awe of what is truly possible when we take the time to be moved by nature.

July Foods and Drinks for Wellbeing

Summer Recipes from the garden and local farms ~

Salad with local greens, carrots, cherry tomatoes, toasted sunflower seeds, goat feta, rice and pesto dressing. Dressing : Basil, Honey, Olive Oil, Lemon, S+P.

Potato Latkes with all the fixins’. ~ Yogurt, honey, salsa, tomatoes, avocado, pickles, nasturtium.

Juice Today ~Pine, Beet, Kohlrabi, Yellow Carrot with Soil, Local Granny Smith Apple, Homegrown Ginger, Lemon Balm, Kale, Chard, Parsley, Celery, Lemon, Love!

Northern Spicebush Song

Spicebush of the golden sun Rising up from this land we’re on (x2) Bees come through the rhythms in the wind Collecting her nectar, the pollen Honey, spicy and sweet Rising up through the Earth, our feet Spicebush in the golden sun, rising up from this Earth we’re on (x2) Remember the stories she keeps, holding wisdom for those who care Remember the stories she keeps, she has the medicine to those who feel weak Spicebush, Spicebush, Spicebush


Autumn Leaves Spoken Word Art Piece

Autumn Leaves is a short film captured in November at Baldpate Mountain in New Jersey. The piece was originally written as a song and was then recorded as a spoken word poem. The guitar was recorded on site beneath the Tulip Poplar Trees and the vultures in flight. Vocals were re-recorded in our studio.

Planting American Persimmon Seeds - Native Edible Forests Series

American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)

American Persimmon is a medium to large deciduous tree native to the Northeast and Southeast of North America. (Zone 4-9) They can grow up to 100’ tall if planted in ideal conditions. Diospyros are a wildlife tree that attract many species including diverse birds, insects such as luna moths and honey bees, deer, fox, opossums, raccoons, and skunks. Their fruits ripen from autumn into winter and their flavor is like a sweet and juicy date. When immature, they contain tannins which produce an astringent flavor. The ripe fruits drop to the ground and sweeten after the first frost.

Persimmons can be found throughout a range of forests. They prefer moist rich, sandy loam, or clay soil - on the edges of fields or in the clearings of more mature woodland. We have found persimmon in the dry mesic oak forests and dry oak-pine forests common to New Jersey. Persimmon is an Algonquian word and Diospyros means ‘The Fruit of Zeus.’ in Greek.



Soak seeds 24 hours before planting. Seeds can be planted in pots or directly in the ground in select sites. To plant in pots, select a container deep enough to allow some root growth room. I use 1 gallon or deep quart pots. For soil, we collect native forest soil from areas that are less sensitive. You can also purchase a potting mix for woodland plants with good drainage. Organic Mechanics Seed Potting Mix is a good local brand. You can always mix bagged soil with some native soil that has decent drainage, because the seeds are acclimated to the native soil from their parent genetics. Dense clay doesn’t provide good drainage for pots, so try to find loamy forest soil or soil from a local yard. Always check before you dig anywhere for sensitive species or wildlife.

Plant seeds 2” deep with the pointy end facing down. Cover your pots with fine netting or screen to keep out wildlife. Sometimes sneaky rodents will steal seeds if looking for a cold-weather snack. Water in the pots regularly if there isn’t consistent rain, and if they are dry. A sunny location is best. They will overwinter outdoors and go through a process called cold stratification. This cold-moist process helps break apart the seed coating and allows the embryos to germinate. The freeze and thaw of winter weather helps the saplings break ground in spring!


*Soak seeds 24 hours before planting. You can also mimic winter in a refrigerator and start your seeds indoors. They will need up to three months of cold moist refrigeration/stratification. I often wrap the seeds in a clean paper towel that I wet with water, and place in a plastic ziplock bag. I change out the paper towel periodically to avoid any bacterial buildup. After three months, seeds can be planted out in pots with adequate sunlight. I have had success by starting them in our windows in late winter/ early spring. Pot them up the same way as mentioned for the outdoors.

Dividing Saplings

Depending on how many seeds you plant in a pot, you may want to separate saplings in spring. This can be done by carefully digging up the roots with the soil and moving into bigger individual pots. Keep all pots watered in and keep in sun/ part sun. After one year of growth, the trees will be large enough to be transplanted out into the ground.



Look for cleared soil, or prep a bed. Keep the areas surrounding the trees maintained so that other species don’t compete for resources. New saplings will thrive if mulched in with deciduous leaf mulch (never mounded around the trunks), and a good drink of water regularly. Running a drip line is a good option if you are saving the trees on your land. Biodegradeable tree rings are also recommended.


If planting in the wild, select sites with good moisture, sunlight, and soil nutrients. Young trees are sometimes browsed by deer and other wildlife, so tree rings or cages are sometimes implemented. (Search biodegradable tree guards to find a diverse selection). These can be adjusted with the growth of the tree, so revisiting sites may be necessary. Once the saplings are one year old and have been kept outside in the elements, they should be adapted to the weather patterns and receive their water from rain. A drink after transplanting is always appreciated!

You can also plant your saplings in the wild in places that are less likely to be disturbed. Also remember that humans maintain land, so making small signs for public spaces and adding tree rings to your trees may prevent from human caused damage.

Thank you for joining in the reforestation efforts we can all be a part of! Purchase seeds or donate to our cause on our online shop here -

Forest Poem

The forest is medicine, for the people and the land, the forest is the keeper of root deep healing, soil, and sand. The Forest is a portal of networks and stories woven together by mycelium consciousness, unfurling myth and link to the potentials of human awareness. Sprung from the underground rivers, lakes and seas, she is tall as the clouds, and deep as seeds. When you ask her for a lesson, or for a gift -she gives endlessly, reminding us of the shift needed in humanity, the story we must remember, is that we are the guardians she needs. We are the ones who in the future must plant her seeds, share her medicine, sing her song, give back all she has given and ask forgiveness for what has gone wrong. We must nurture her soils, and only take what we need. We must listen closely, and tread lightly through the trees. Thanks to the forest for the teachings and love, I promise to share these gifts and nurture these places always.


Inspirational Words

Some kind words from our friend Scott Kloos who hosts the School of Forest Medicine in Oregon -

“Envisioning you as Agent of Renewal and Steward of the Earth asking

Without our loving presence, what will become of the world that is coming to be?

So that we can

Reclaim not what was, but the space for what wants to be

A remembrance that encompasses past, present, and future

A continued learning to trust your connections and relationships with the spiritual forces and beings of place

Tending the spring from which those thirsty souls longing for reconnection can drink and immerse themselves in the wisdom of the Earth

Creating spaces within which folks can remember their childhood wonder

Inspiring play and artistic expression in the wilds of nature

The ones who can benefit from your medicine will show up!

How will you present the stories of the land through garden installations that merge art with experiential learning?

How will the land express itself through you, inspired by the relationships woven through deep time and the here-and-now, in ways that will draw people into more intimate engagement with nature?”


Tending the Early Summer Garden

This garden was planted two springs ago and is now an abundant sanctuary for pollinators, wildlife and people. We grow many flowers, native plants vegetables and herbs.

While tending the garden this past month, I have come across many beautiful plants. Here are a few photos -

View of the stone area through the mid section of the garden surrounded by many colorful blossoms and greens. This aesthetically pleasing design helps create water flow through the garden and provides habitat for insects and amphibians.

View of the stone area through the mid section of the garden surrounded by many colorful blossoms and greens. This aesthetically pleasing design helps create water flow through the garden and provides habitat for insects and amphibians.

Red Yarrow flowers in bloom are great pollinator flowers for small bee species and butterflies.

Red Yarrow flowers in bloom are great pollinator flowers for small bee species and butterflies.

Coreopsis flowers in bloom add a striking yellow color to the summer garden.

Coreopsis flowers in bloom add a striking yellow color to the summer garden.

False Indigo in flowers are opening in the sunshine. These legumes will produce pea like seed pods in late summer and can be made into rattles.

False Indigo in flowers are opening in the sunshine. These legumes will produce pea like seed pods in late summer and can be made into rattles.

Northern High Bush Blueberry producing fruit, one of our favorites for making blueberry pie!

Northern High Bush Blueberry producing fruit, one of our favorites for making blueberry pie!