This garden was planted two springs ago and is now an abundant sanctuary for pollinators, wildlife and people. We grow many flowers, native plants vegetables and herbs.
While tending the garden this past month, I have come across many beautiful plants. Here are a few photos -
View of the stone area through the mid section of the garden surrounded by many colorful blossoms and greens. This aesthetically pleasing design helps create water flow through the garden and provides habitat for insects and amphibians.
Red Yarrow flowers in bloom are great pollinator flowers for small bee species and butterflies.
Coreopsis flowers in bloom add a striking yellow color to the summer garden.
False Indigo in flowers are opening in the sunshine. These legumes will produce pea like seed pods in late summer and can be made into rattles.
Northern High Bush Blueberry producing fruit, one of our favorites for making blueberry pie!